Oxfam GB is a worldwide development organisation that mobilises the power of people against poverty. Oxfam GB is one of the 17 Oxfam affiliates that make up the confederation of Oxfam International. All seventeen Oxfam affiliates are part of a global movement to build a fairer, safer world. Oxfam’s vision is a just world without poverty: a world in which people can influence decisions that affect their lives, enjoy their rights, and assume their responsibilities as full citizens of a world in which all human beings are valued and treated equally. |
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Big Lottery Fund (BLF) is a non department public body in the UK responsible for distributing funds raised by the National Lottery for "good causes".Big Lottery Fund aims to support projects which help communities and the lives of people most in need making grants to projects working in health, education and the environment sector. Since 2004 it has awarded over £6.2 billion to more than 130,000 projects. |
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The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) is an agency in the federal administration of Switzerland and a part of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs. Together with other federal offices, SDC is responsible for overall coordination of Swiss international development activities and cooperation with Eastern Europe as well as humanitarian aid. |
Slovakia has created its institutional and legal framework for development assistance. Ministry of Foreign Affairs have established the Slovak Agency for International Development Cooperation (SAIDC) as its budgetary organization. Slovak Agency for International Development Cooperation (SAIDC) is responsible for managing bilateral and trilateral development projects within the responsibility of the Ministry. SAIDC represents an administrative and contracting unit for bilateral programming; its responsibilities include contracting, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of bilateral and trilateral development projects.
The International Visegrad Fund in an international organization based in Bratislava founded by the governments of the Visegrad Group (V4) countries – the Czech Republic, Hungary, the Republic of Poland and the Slovak Republic – in Stirin, Czech Republic, on June 9, 2000.The Purpose of the fund is to facilitate and promote the development of closer cooperation among citizens and institutions in the region as well as between the V4 region and other countries, especially in the Western Balkan and Eastern Partnership regions. The fund operates several grant programs and awards individual scholarships, fellowships and artist residencies. Grant support is given to original projects namely in the areas of culture, science and research, youth exchanges, cross-border cooperation and tourism promotion, as well as in the other priority areas.
The People in Need's mission in Georgia started in 2006, to support the reintegration of returnees. 10 years later, PIN's mission in Georgia has visibly grown but continues to be underpinned by PIN's core value of supporting people in need to freely make decisions about their lives. PIN's goal in Georgia is to reduce poverty and inequalities, particularly in rural areas. PIN also works to save lives and protect dignity of people affected. Today, PIN's activities are implemented from central offices in Tbilisi, Kutaisi and Kazbegi in cooperation with over 10 local partner organisations.
Save the Children is one of the leading nongovernmental organizations working to help the country's vulnerable populations. Focusing on health, education and the needs of women and youth, our dynamic and innovative programs work toward sustainable results, allowing beneficiaries to independently continue their own development. Save the Children began its partnership with Georgians in 1993. Since then, Save the Children and its many partners in government and civil society have successfully implemented projects in child protection, formal and non-formal education, social and economic development, including microfinance, civil society strengthening, women’s health, STI/HIV-AIDS intervention and emergency preparedness as well as response and assistance.
International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) is an international financial institution and specialized United Nations agency based in Rome, working to reduce rural poverty and to improve rural people’s living conditions and livelihoods. International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) works in Georgia since 1997 year and during these period already has implemented 4 projects and 5 th ongoing project. Total investment 51.6 Million US$ and that had an impact on 103 092 households.
The Human Security Grant Assistance for Grassroots Projects (GGP) assists to relatively small projects and aims at improvement of human security in Georgia. It applies to projects in the field of sustainable agriculture, environment protection, poverty alleviation, public health, education, social protection etc.
The Center for Strategic Research and Development of Georgia (CSRDG) created in July 1995 is focused on results that can improve the lives of individuals and societies in general. After many years of successful experience, CSRDG has been established as strong research and expert organization and a reliable partner in the field of developmental activities. Its mission is to promote good governance, stable and inclusive economic development, and the formation of an active civil society for the welfare of Georgian society. CRRDG contributes to the sustainable development of the country by promoting democratic values, strengthening active civil society, encouraging socially responsible business, and supporting good governance. Respect equality and human dignity; we believe that high civil responsibility, professional competence, mutual cooperation, and solidarity are the prerequisites for the development of the country.
Polish Aid is a brand of Poland's development and humanitarian assistance undertaken in developing countries and of educating Polish society about these activities. Its vision is the active participation of Polish aid in building a better, more sustainable world for present and future generations. Development cooperation is about development aid, humanitarian aid, and global education. Polish aid provides support, care, and protection for people affected by armed conflicts, natural disasters or other humanitarian crises. It is a genuine help for communities in partner countries: building and developing peaceful, fair and strong institutions together, providing access to education, decent work, health care and clean water. Caritas is the largest charity organization in Poland. It consists of 44 diocesan Caritas organizations, which act at the regional level and Caritas Poland, which is responsible for national campaigns and for providing international aid – supporting, in particular, victims of natural disasters and armed conflicts around the world. Caritas Poland has been carrying out its activities on behalf of the Polish Bishops’ Conference since 1990. Caritas Poland has implemented numerous humanitarian and development aid projects in 46 countries affected by conflicts, wars and natural disasters.. Caritas Poland implements its projects in cooperation with Caritas organizations from beneficiary countries, it also cooperates with other NGOs and provides support for charitable activities of Polish missionaries around the world.